Rational Unified Process-specific templates are available for use with Adobe« FrameMakerÖ 5.0 or later. These may downloaded from the Rational Unified Process Resource Center (select "Extra Goodies to Download").

This page addresses:

Training on the use of the FrameMaker publishing software is beyond the scope of this document. Also, it is assumed that readers have at least an intermediate experiential knowledge of using the FrameMaker software.

Setting Up and Customizing a Template

When working with the RUP FrameMaker templates, each document template has its own specific structure and set of FrameMaker files. For the purposes of instruction, let's say you're working with the Design Guidelines template, you could proceed as follows:
  1. Create a new folder called <new_document_name> for your new document.
  2. Copy (or unzip) the entire set of template files for your new document -- in this case it's the Design Guidelines template -- into the new folder you created. You should now see the following files in your new folder:
  3. Filename

    Description of Contents

    <template name>.a.fm

    Appendix (not in all templates)

    <template name>.book

    Book file

    <template name>.hist.fm

    Revision history section

    <template name>.s1.fm

    Section 1

    <template name>.s2.fm

    Section 2

    <template name>.s*.fm

    (one file for each section in the document)

    <template name>.tp.fm

    Title Page

    <template name>LOF.fm

    List of Figures

    <template name>LOT.fm

    List of Tables

    <template name>TOC.fm

    Table of Contents

  4. Open the book file ( DesignGuidelines.book ), which will start up the FrameMaker software and display a list of the files (see above table) which make up this document.
  5. From this list within FrameMaker, open the title page document file ( DesignGuidelines.tp ).
  6. Note that these variables have been used in all templates:
  • Company Name [1]
  • Project Name
  • Version Number
  • Issue Date
  • Document Identifier

Under the View pull-down menu, select Master Pages and double-click on each of the variables to edit the definition as you choose. Your Using FrameMaker manual will assist you with editing variables if you're not familiar with this task.

It's good practice to begin with the template for the title page ( *.tp ). When you've updated all variables to your satisfaction, save this document file using a more appropriate name with the .tp extension.

  1. Under the File pull-down menu, select Save As and name this document <new_document_name>.tp .
  2. Open each template file and rename <new_document_name>xxx.<extension> as appropriate, until all files have been renamed, as shown in the previous step.
  3. Now rename the book file to reflect the <new_document_name>, as shown in step 6.
  4. Once you've renamed the files, you can use the <new_document_name>.tp file to import the updated variables to these files:
  • <new_document_name>.hist
  • <new_document_name>TOC.doc
  • <new_document_name>LOF.doc
  • <new_document_name>LOT.doc

Under the File pull-down menu, select Import Formats... , and at the Import From Document text location, click on the arrow and select the <new_document_name>.tp file. Toggle off all other checkboxes except the Variable Definitions check box. Be sure it has a check in it to toggle it on.

  1. Update the variables in the <new_document_name>.s1 file according to Steps 4 and 5, then use it to import the new variables to all other <new_document_name>.s* files.
  2. When the variables have been updated and all files have been renamed to <new_document_name>.* , it's time to add them to the "new" book and remove the DesignGuidelines files.

Add Files and Set up Files following the instructions in Using FrameMaker and using the old template's book as a guideline.

Select Rearrange Files, then Delete any DesignGuidelines files that appear in the book.

Generate/Update the TOC, LOF, and LOT. Check the table of contents, list of figures, and list of tables documents to check that everything looks as it should. If not, open the DesignGuidelinesTOC.doc file and import the Paragraph and Character Formats from that file, if that's the problem. If you have to import more than those formats, remember to update the variables to the new document.

Working with Informational Text

When you open the Rational FrameMaker templates, you'll notice informational text. It appears in the color blue and is surrounded in square brackets. For example, [A brief description of the purpose of the Design Guidelines.] is informational text that appears in the first section of the Design Guidelines template.

This has been set up as a searchable character format. Once you've read the contents of the informational text, you can remove it by selecting the entire blue text, then touching the Delete key. Open the Character Catalog and click on Default Font to be certain you're using the correct font style for the selected paragraph tag.


1. In the title page document, the Company Name variable can be edited from the body page.

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